2. Ethics and Principles of Visualizations for Effective Communications

Topics and Notes
  1. Presentation formats in RMarkdown R PRESENTATION FORMATS
  2. RMarkdown Presentation Template: Ninja Presentation
  3. Foundations of Data Visualization BEAMER SLIDES RMD SOURCE STYLE FILE
    • Principles of data visualization
    • Building blocks of data visualization: Marks and Channels
    • Design elements in visualizations: visual encoding and color scheme
    • Strategies for making good visualization
  4. Ethics of data visualization BEAMER SLIDES RMD SOURCE STYLE FILE
  • Choose a data set from DATA SITE or from other sources to perform a simple linear regression analysis and summarize your results in an HTML presentation with about 10 slides. The specific requirements are
    • a. Choose one of the HTML presentation templates.
    • b. The title slide should have a descriptive and informative title.
    • c. A agenda (TOC) slide.
    • d. A few content slides (both tables and figures are expected to be included).
    • e. A conlusion silde.
  • Submission Requirements: Due Wednesday, 11:30 PM
    • a. Publish your presentation on RPubs.
    • b. Add the URL of your presentation to your online CV you created last week.
    • c. Submit the URL of your online CV and the RMD source code to the D2L drop box.

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