Steps for creating the visualization using the base plot functions
a. Download the penguins data set and then upload it to your Github data repository.
b. Find an image of a penguin and upload the image to the Github repository.
c. Read the data set to R from the Github data repository directly.
d. Open an R Markdown document. You are encouraged to use my template for all assignments.
e. Choose numerical variables (Bill_length_mm and Flipper_length_mm) from the penguins data set to make a scatter plot and color the points based on the species.
f. The point size should be proportional to body_mass_g of the corresponding penguin.
g. insert the image of the penguin you uploaded to the Github repository to the scatter plot.
h. add a legend to enhance the readability of your plot.
i. make sure the axes of your plot are appropriately labeled. The title of plot should reflect the content in the plot.
j. knit the RMD to HTML format and upload your HTML file to your Github repository.
Submission Requirements
a. URL of the HTML uploaded to your Github site.
b. Upload your RMD source file to D2L dropbox.
c. A late submission will receive penalty points (each assignment is worth 10 points).
D2L Submission Due: Wednesday, 11:30 PM Please submit your work through the D2L dropbox.