8. More R Maps and Case Study

Topics and Notes
  1. Choropleth and Scatter Maps with Mapview()
  2. Interactive maps- a case study HTML (on RPubs) RMD SOURCE
    • a. Shapefile and map boundary
    • b. Process of visual design
    • c. Design considerations
  1. [Required]: creating a reference map using the Philly Shooting data set (see details in the case study).
  2. [Optional]: creating a choropleth map Data sets: | Presidential Election Data| FIPS to Geocode|
    • a. Extract on 2020 presidential election data: year
    • b. Only include Democrats and Republican votes: party
    • c. Include variables: state_po, county_name, county_fips, party, candidatevotes
    • d. Merge the above data with FIPS to Geocode Datausing the FIPS as the primary key.
    • e. Create an interactive choropleth map to display the presidential election results at the county level using two different colors to represent the two parties. You can choose any R library to accomplish this part of the assignment.
    Assignment Due: Wednesday, 11:30 PM

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